
In life, I believe nothing is more important than our family. The person I am today is because of my constant family support and I am proud to say to the whole world that I have the best family around. When I say family, people always thoughts it's just an institution consists of father, mother and the siblings but in my opinion, family is everyone who constantly supports to push us further in our life.Which means my family consists of my father, mother, my siblings, grandparents, cousins , uncles, aunties and my close friends.

My small family members consist of my dad Mr Thamaraichelven, my mom Mrs Puspa, My brothers led by Muralitharan, Haritharan, Tamilamuthan and finally the youngest member which is my sister Moganambigai. I'm the 3rd son in my family. Both of my eldest brother are married and I'm proud of their choice of spouse. :)

My Small Family Members

Next, I would like to introduce my big happy family. It will take ages to name all of them, so for now,the picture is just enough because a picture speaks a thousand word and one of the word is blessing. :)

The Big family

Now, I would like to introduce some people that I always refer them as my family, as my own brothers. These are my soul friends or in tamil we say it's ' uyir nanban' and I believe it's a blessing to have them in my life.

From left, Mahen,Myself,Ananth, Kuhan, Srider

"Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one."

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