Finally, it's our last class for this subject. Lecturer Ms. Latifah had revision class with us. It was a good way to do have a full revision class one day, so that we can recalled whatever we studied all this while. Managed to capture some important elements of this particular subject. Now, waiting for FINAL exam.. All the best!!!

I was waiting for this class because it was our final presentation and also Raya Celebration with fellow classmates. Our assingnment is all about Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) and it turned out perfectly. We started the class with 'Makan-makan Raya bersama Ms.Latifah'!!!! Ketupat, rendang, biscuits, chocolates and traditional malay items was prepared by my classmates. Let me show you some pictures....

After the Hari Raya Celebration, first group started their presentation and they did about HyppTV. Than it was our turn, Bal, Lashvini, Jessie and me presented about RTM as I mentioned earlier. Some did about ASTRO, MEDIA PRIMA and other media channels. You want to know anything about RTM, do click the link below this picture and check out!!!

12th July class. Successfully we are in our fourth week with Ms. Latifah and everyone back after Raya break. We were discussing about Cyber Law. What is cyber law & how does this law helping us?

We had small discussion among group about this cyber law topic. It was about what are the cyber law issues in Malaysia. Fellow group members shared their view and points. At the end, we have came out with some way to sort out this issues.

Yeayyyy, we are in our third week! Little exciting week too, Lecturer distributed group assignment task to us. Than, we had our lecture for the day. 

Group Assignment Briefing

Lecturer, Ms. Latifah informed us few important things about the group assignment. We were given the period until the next class, where we need to submit our group assignment.

  • During the lecture, Ms. Latifah asked us to do a presentation about 'BLOG'. It's about 'What is blog? How to create a blog? How famous is blog in Malaysia? Negative & Positive side of blog?' Four of us in team presented about blog during the class. Bal, Lash, Jessie was my group members.
Our Team in Class

  • Our other classmates presented about website, social media and other communication method.

My Classmates

The class ended up with Buka Puasa plan!!!!
Hai rakan-rakan sekalian, kita sudahpun masuk ke bab kedua iaitu "Sejarah Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi'. Pada kelas pertama, kita telah pun belajar tentang pengenalan kepada sistem komunikasi. Minggu ini kita akan melihat pada perkembangan dan juga sejarah teknolgi komunikasi yang banyak digunakan sekarang.

Saya tidak dapat hadir ke kelas kedua disebabkan tugasan rasmi tetapi, telah mendapat nota daripada rakan sekelas yang telah menghadiri pada hari tersebut. Pada hari tersebut rakan-rakan sekelas telah membuat suatu pembentangan tentang topik kedua ini. Kumpulan kami telah menghantar 'power point slide'' kepada Pensyarah.

Bab ini mudah difahami kerana ia lebih kepada sejarah dan perkembangan teknologi yang digunakan pesat pada zaman ini. Jom kita lihat lebih terperinci pada nota dibawah :-

Bab 2 : Sejarah Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi

1. Sejarah dan perkembangan media dibahagikan kepada empat era     utama oleh Everett M.Rogers (1991)

*Era Penulisan
*Era Percetakan
*Era Telekomunikasi
*Era Komunikasi saling tindak/interaktif

2. Mempunyai dua jenis media iaitu media cetak dan elektronik

*Cetak - kertas yang dicetak huruf, angka, gambar
            - bahan yang dicetak adalah merupakan imej/maklumat

*Elektronik - Radio, telefon, televisyen
                    - Contohnya adalah fax

3. Perkembangan media baru : ciri-ciri (Rogers 1991)

*Interaktif/Saling tindak
*Memperkecilkan khalayak
*Darjah kawalan yang tinggi
*Tidak segerak/serentak
*Capaian rawak dan tidak 'linear'

4. Pengaruh teknologi terhadap media komunikasi

*Peraliahn daripada sistem analog kepada digital

Bagi menjayakan komunikasi :

  • Keadaan peralatan
  • Kemahiran meggunakan kemahiran

1. Pengenalan kepada sistem komunikasi

  • Maksud komunikasi  adalah sesuatu proses penyampaian mesej/informasi kepada pihak kedua mahupun individu, organisasi, kumpulan atau kelompok.
  • Modul-modul komunikasi
a) Model Shannon-Weaver
     Komunikasi satu arah yangberlangsung tanpa ada            
     timbal balik secara langsung.

b) Model Laswell
     Ini digunakan secara umum dimana ia mampu 
     mempengaruhi komunikasi. Ia mempunyai 5 elemen :
    *Who (Komunikator)
    *Say What (Pesan yang disampaikan)
    *In which Channel (Saluran Komunikasi)
    *To Whom (Penerima Pesan)
    *With What Effect (Efek Komunikasi yang disampaikan)

c) Model SMCR (Berlo)
     Ini terdiri daripada 4 komponen
     *Source (Sumber)
     *Message (Pesan)
     *Channel (Media)
     *Receiver (Penerima)

2. Memahami Teknologi

  • Teknologi adalah bahasa Latin - Texere (membentuk)
  • Ia dicipta untuk kehidupan yang lebih selesa
  • Biasanya dicipta sebagai peralatan/perisian

3. Perkaitan Media, Teknologi dan Masyarakat

  • Ia adalah dikaitkan antara satu sama lain
  • Teknologi dicipta untyk membantu manusia untuk berkomunikasi dengan pantas dan efisyen
Recently, I came across a wonderful story about people who quit their job to do something they want to in life, something that gives them satisfaction. Being a RJ myself, it is a really tiring job but the satisfaction that it gives at the end of the day, that counts. :) You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

Read the story here.

That's me at my working place
I was given an opportunity to host the pre-event of Kings of King which was held at Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur. It was a great experience for me since i had to talk in front of thousands of Malaysians who were there.

More picture can be viewed HERE
It's been years since I've joined Minnal Fm as a Radio Jockey. At first, I was kinda nervous and shy that leads to stuttering because my voice is going to be broadcasted to the whole Malaysia and will be heard by everyone. Knowing that fact, it made me more nervous. But time by time, I learned to overcome that and were motivated to work. As time goes, Minnal Fm started to feel like a second home. Somewhere that I know I am welcomed with warm hugs. All these years, I met new people and made new friends. Some that I'm proud to have in my life. 

Some of my close MinnalFm friends :)
Poems  are life essence that makes much sense in our life. Below is a poem extract from familyfriendspoems website.

A Tribute to Family

I don't know when it started,
Or how it all began.
But God created families,
As only our Lord can.
He was teaching what it means,
To love, honor, and obey.
He wanted a strong bond,
That we don't see too much today.
He wanted someone to hold us,
And show respect for others.
He wanted someone who'd be gentle,
And so he created mothers.
He wanted someone strong,
A support filled with love.
And so he created fathers,
Sent from heaven up above.
Brothers and sisters came next,
With that, an instant friend.
Someone to look up to,
Someone on who to depend.
When he put them all together,
He was amazed at what he'd done.
He had created a family,
Mother, father, daughter, son.
But look at the family,
Created by only two.
How many we've become,
And all because of you.
We have a lot to be thankful for,
The memories through the years.
The many times together,
Full of laughter, full of tears.
I don't know where we'd be today,
If it weren't for the two of you.
To show us strength, support, and love,
Like only the two of you can do

Family Friend Poems 

Hai, I'm Theyvekgan Thamaraichelven or more known as Rj Thev of MinnalFm. This blog is part of my assignment work and it will also serve as my own platform to express my point of view in entertainment field as well as keeping in touch with all my friends and family. I hope this blog helps me to better improve myself for a greater good in the future. 

And hey, that's me hosting one of the biggest event in my life. It was a concert by renown composer from India whom I adore and idolise in my life; the one and only Sir Ilaayaraja.

Stay tuned :)
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