Third Class


Yeayyyy, we are in our third week! Little exciting week too, Lecturer distributed group assignment task to us. Than, we had our lecture for the day. 

Group Assignment Briefing

Lecturer, Ms. Latifah informed us few important things about the group assignment. We were given the period until the next class, where we need to submit our group assignment.

  • During the lecture, Ms. Latifah asked us to do a presentation about 'BLOG'. It's about 'What is blog? How to create a blog? How famous is blog in Malaysia? Negative & Positive side of blog?' Four of us in team presented about blog during the class. Bal, Lash, Jessie was my group members.
Our Team in Class

  • Our other classmates presented about website, social media and other communication method.

My Classmates

The class ended up with Buka Puasa plan!!!!

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